Passive Aggressive is Not the Way to Go

My mom has a way with twisting stories around.  It's possible that she only perceives what she wants to perceive; or, she perceives just fine but just wants to project things differently to other people.  The degree to which she twists the story is most often directly proportional to how much she doesn't like it.  During one of those family dinners where parents talk about each other's kids, my mom has this default story she shares about my course and how I wanted to shift out again (not the case).  She'll then jokingly say that I'll probably study for about 10 years.  And she said something about how I said my brain hurts because I never use it anymore.  But I never said anything like that.  I only mentioned my head hurting -- you know, the occasional headache that all people get.

If she wants me out of my course, she should just tell me directly.  Every time she mentions something about how she thinks I'm wasting my life and all, well.  Well, I just want to give it all up.  Be a drop out or something, be the real disappointment that I can be.   I'm just doing this because of her.  I mean, I really don't want to be some hotshot whatever in some hotshot career.  I just want to live my life as a citizen of the world (whatever that means, I can't explain right now).  I don't care if I never reach a presidential chair for whatever corporation.  Really.  But she's always seen me as something like that, so ok.  I'm trying to be that.  

Maybe I'm over-reacting is all.  I don't know.  I can be a bit melodramatic sometimes.

I probably shouldn't be blogging about my mom so openly, but I'm not the confrontational type either.


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