Where Were We?

Death Cab For Cutie

We don't have cold, long nights anymore. All they are, are empty and red. Hot and transient. The days have gone by so quickly, I don't remember where I am. We're trapped -- no, I'm trapped in this silly, fantastic dream of (pseudo) never-ending I-forgive-you's. And where were you in the haze of all these lights? Where were we?

I walk down the street. And I stare almost absentmindedly at the cars as they pass by so frantically. I realize that it doesn't really matter all that much. Not really. But it's nice to think about, every once in a while. Heartbreaking, yes. But I realize that it's these emotions that fuel me in the end. Hands in my pockets and I'm counting all the street lights I pass by.

I do not know how to write anymooooore. To be continued some other time. Bllerhgpoad.


  1. Summer naaaaah! This calls for a meet up, or an iBlog, or whatever.

  2. if he ain't worth keepin, ditch 'em! haha. miss reading your thoughts, cars. will be back soon.

    real soon...

  3. oh and btw, i made it to the top 1.5% in our freakin' 1st preboard exams. in figures, that's a bunch of 2,000 casio calculator megalomaniacs. and i'm not happy about the results.

    oh, you didn't ask?

    hmmkeibye. pray for me. desperately need it. good times! ^-^


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