The Summer Bucketlist

After a gruesome Hell Week (or month?)  (or sem?) (life??), comes Holy Week.  I guess it's kind of a funny oxymoron, or something.  Suddenly, regardless of religion, you are faced with SO. MUCH. FREE. TIME. Well, at least for a week.  And then Summer Sem starts.

In hopes of becoming productive this summer, here is a mini-bucketlist.

  • Take up CWTS and/or PE  (I can't be delayed any more)
  • Launch my portfolio
    • Take pictures of plates
    • Edit photos and other works
    • Edit resume
    • Make it work
  • Draw.  Write.  Paint.  Create.
  • Read!
    • Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, A Lover's Dictionary, Lord of the Flies, etcetc
    • Buy more books.  
  • Meet with friends AKA Do NOT hole yourself up at home all summer
  • Update my smart casual and business attire wardrobe (because seriously I look like shit at the worst of times)
  • VIGAN WITH BLOCKMATES (pleasepleaseplease)
  • Practice rendering.
  • Find inner peace.
  • Organize my life.  Or at least my desk.
  • Celebrate being 21.  Seriously, I feel so young.
  • The Beach
  • Eat healthier things
  • Bond with my siblings individually and psycho-analyze them (lol) (I feel like I should also take up psych)
  • Try and finally understand my new camera.  
  • Fix the house.  Find a system for us four.
Here's to hoping I could cross out most, if not all!


  1. Soooo excited about your portfolio! I have yet to finish organizing my website as well but hopefully I'd get something done this Holy Week.

    I missed reading your blog!


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